Come Join San Diego Leading Authority’s in Functional Thyroid Treatment At A Free Workshop Titled…
“Hyopthyroidism and Hashimotos: Why Are My Labs Normal But I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? Learn How Our Step By Step Treatment Strategies Can Reverse Your Thyroid Condition For Good”
What Is It? It’s an information packed workshop, that will open your eyes to the latest treatment methods for Low Thyroid and Hashimoto’s. You will walk away finally understanding why you still have symptoms and what can be done to reverse those symptoms once and for all. You get the opportunity to interact with Atlanta’s leading thyroid functional treatment authorities and learn what the possibilities really are.
NEXT SEMINAR DATE: TIME PM (Reservation Required, Reserve Below)
LOCATION: The Center For Absolute Health and Wellness, 5830 Oberlin Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92121
QUESTIONS?: Call us at (858) 909-0005
To attend our information packed seminar you must enter you name, email, and phone number below to reserve your spot. Seating is limited, and seminar seats will be filled in the order that they are requested. We will be calling to confirm your attendance.
YES! I Will Be Attending The Free Thyroid Seminar
At The The Center For Absolute Health and Wellness!