San Diego Thyroid Institute


Here Is The Free Report You Requested …

90% Of Women Diagnosed With Hypothyroidism Will Never Be Free Of Their Symptoms. Discover The Reason Why And Our Plan For Overcoming This Obstacle!

Dear Low Thyroid Sufferer:

Are you one of the unlucky thyroid patients who continues to have thyroid symptoms even though you take your prescribed thyroid replacement hormones and your labs have moved back into the “normal range”? Do you continue to have these thyroid symptoms?

  • Tired, sluggish
  • Can’t lose weight even with exercise
  • Feel cold in hands, feet, or all over
  • Require excessive amounts of sleep to function properly
  • Increase in weight gain even with low-calorie diet
  • Gain weight easily
  • Difficult, infrequent bowel movements
  • Depression, lack of motivation
  • Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses
  • Outer third of the eyebrow thins
  • Thinning of the hair on scalp, face or genitals or excessive falling hair
  • Dryness of skin and/or scalp
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats
  • Brain fog
  • Mental sluggishness
  • Nervous and emotional
  • Heart palpitations
  • Inward trembling
  • Increased pulse even at rest

Are you tired of feeling this way? Are you tired of hearing that there is nothing else that can be done? Or, worst of all, are you tired of hearing “Your thyroid levels are normal now; your remaining symptoms can’t be from your thyroid”?

I am sure it is a huge frustration getting rushed in and out of your doctor’s visits, walking out with a new prescription and NO ANSWERS. Your thyroid dose goes up, but you probably continue to have some or all of the effects of low thyroid. Why?

If you said yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone. In the United States, 4 out of every 1000 women suffer with hypothyroidism. Just like you, most of these people continue to suffer even after they receive the standard thyroid hormone replacement management.

So many patients battle their thyroid problem their whole life. After you read this report, you are going to see that there are natural ways to support and improve your thyroid that move beyond thyroid hormone replacement. The thyroid hormone replacement model does not have a great chance to make you feel better because it simply does not consider many other factors that thyroid patients suffer with and contribute to how you feel.

The “thyroid hormone replacement model as the sole basis of management” is based on a totally false premise.

This faulty premise is that you can make up the lost thyroid function by replacing the deficiency of hormones with external hormones like Synthroid or Armour… and ignore the many factors that are contributing to your body’s faulty function in the first place.

This hormone replacement approach alone MAY work for about 5-10% of hypothyroid patients, but I am going to explain why it WILL fail to produce optimum results with the other 90-95%.

Treating Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Hypothyroidism with hormone replacement as the sole management is like treating the common cold virus with antibiotics. Antibiotics never were or never will be effective against the cold virus because antibiotics don’t kill viruses, yet they are still commonly used.

In this report, I am going to share some things with you that you probably have never heard about. You may even be a little angry and frustrated for a short while because you know that if you had had this knowledge from the beginning, you may feel better than you do now.

I share in your frustration. I see and consult with patients everyday who have been through exactly what you have been through. After reading this entire report, you will be armed with information and knowledge that will help you make good choices about your thyroid management in the future. We can not look back, but can move forward, and that is my hope for you.

By reading this entire special report, you are going to learn:

  • Why 90-95% of hypothyroid patients will never get optimum results from hormone replacement alone. There are too many other factors that should be accounted for, and most of them are in your control.
  • Why your thyroid replacement hormone dose continually goes up, yet you continue to experience most of the same symptoms.
  • Why the common argument between natural vs. synthetic hormone replacement is completely irrelevant for 90% of hypothyroid sufferers. (Hint: They are fighting the wrong battle.)
  • That 90-95% of low thyroid cases in the United State have an Autoimmune Hashimoto’s Disease, which means the body’s very own immune system has began to attack and destroy the thyroid gland.
  • The reason why Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid Sufferers often continue to feel crummy even after their labs are “balanced” with thyroid hormone replacement, natural or synthetic.

Why an effective management protocol will focus on and include immune system modulation.

My name is Dr. Michael Gorgas, DC. My journey into healthcare began because I had a desire to help sick people, but I didn’t want to just give drugs to them. Most doctors will tell you that they did not choose to become doctors; becoming doctors chose them. That was the case with me. I always knew I was going to be a doctor someday, although I did not know exactly what kind.

In school, I was always asking questions. I am not one to take everything taught to me at face value. I need to UNDERSTAND the reasons and mechanisms behind material presented.

My goal in becoming a doctor was to understand what was really going on with a sick person’s physiology and work WITH the body to restore better function. There is a huge difference between dealing with a set of symptoms and taking care of a PERSON. The second one requires understanding what is causing those symptoms and working on the faulty physiology.

It did not take me long to realize, and you may have come to this conclusion because of your own circumstance, that when a person has a health condition that is not considered life threatening and when there is no easy fix, the traditional health care model does not always provide the attention and care you need.

I would see the desperation on the faces and in the eyes of the patients I treated. They were yearning to have someone listen to them, to spend the time necessary to get to the bottom of their problem, and, most importantly, to help them break the chains their illness had put on their lives.

I understood them, and I knew I had to engineer my practice to allow me to function as the doctor I needed to be for them. I could not rush people in and out in 10 minutes, which commonly happens in the insurance medical model. I could not squabble with insurance companies, trying to get them to pay for testing that they considered unnecessary because we were stepping outside of the box.

I not only stepped outside the box, I LEAPED out of it. Inside that box was a system that was not designed to help the people in the way they needed to be helped.

There had to be something missing…

I went on a personal journey for understanding, and through it, I made an important personal discovery. I realized that early on, even though I had good intent, I was doing what most other doctors do. I was looking at the human body as if it were compartmentalized. I would focus on a specific symptom or system without looking at the hormone system, immune system, and gastrointestinal function.

I realized I would have to understand and look at all these systems at the same time if I wanted greater and more consistent results for my patients. So for a period of time, I secluded myself at night and on the weekends. I poured through scientific journals, text books, and articles. I traveled across the country to learn from the best teachers I could find. I burned the midnight oil so to speak.

It was this intense study of physiology, neurology, and immunology that led to my greatest discovery; everything in the body affects everything else. In order to manage any chronically sick or ill patient, you must look at EVERYTHING all at once.

I began actually observing and measuring everything. I began running all the necessary laboratory tests needed to take this big picture approach. As I started doing this on more and more patients, I found that most of the patients we had previously had the least success with had some type of autoimmune reaction as part of their condition.

Since it was an autoimmune mechanism, meaning the body’s immune system had gone haywire and began attacking the thyroid gland or other tissues, we knew we had to focus on calming the immune system if we were to stand a chance at managing these patients. So I took everything I knew about functional neurology, functional endocrinology, functional blood chemistry analysis, science based nutrition, and functional immunology and began helping patients in a new way.

The immune system, and all the things that affect the immune system (remember, everything affects everything else), was a huge missing factor in finding the REAL underlying cause in thyroid cases we used to consider the toughest.

For most thyroid sufferers today, the immune system will NEVER be looked at and measured. In fact, most doctors will not consider anything that falls outside “traditional medicine” as effective. They fail to look at how diet, GI function, supplementation, and lifestyle alterations can bring greater function to their thyroid patients.

Following the traditional medical approach will only leave you feeling bad and keep you from the information that you can use to help yourself…

As you continue reading this report, you are going to discover many clinical pearls we have found to help Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Hypothyroid patients naturally without side effects or completely suppressing the immune system, and why we think our all-natural functional approach to managing autoimmune thyroid should be incorporated into every Hashimoto’s patient’s management.

Let me explain why thyroid replacement hormones as the sole source of management are completely ineffective for so many women taking them.

The number one cause of low thyroid function worldwide is iodine deficiency, but it is NOT the number one cause in the United States. In the United States, the number one cause of low thyroid function is Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune attack against thyroid cells, meaning your body’s immune system is targeting and killing your own thyroid tissue.

Although Hashimoto’s can cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism, in most cases, there is a slow, gradual attack against the thyroid. This eventually leads to the loss of enough thyroid cells and function that it presents as primary hypothyroidism. When the thyroid does not work adequately, in this case because the cells are being destroyed, the pituitary gland (in your brain) increases the production of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) as an attempt to increase thyroid gland activity.

Over time, people with Autoimmune Thyroid’s start to develop the symptoms of low thyroid function, which will prompt them to have their thyroid checked by their medical doctor. When the TSH is measured, it will usually be found to be elevated, representing low thyroid function, and they are typically diagnosed as having primary hypothyroidism. They are then placed on thyroid replacement hormone for the rest of their lives without considering how the other factors in their bodies could be making the problem worse over time but, if changed, could allow them to feel better.

Yet the question is never really asked, “Why did they become hypothyroid?”

The issue of the autoimmune attack is not addressed. Instead, hypothyroid suffers are considered to be managed properly when the TSH normalizes with the replacement hormones. In a sense, the patient is having their TSH managed but not the REAL underlying mechanism for their loss of thyroid function, which is the autoimmune attack against their thyroid.

In the replacement model, when the TSH is “normalized” from taking the thyroid replacement hormone, any symptoms that remain after the normalization of the TSH are attributed to something else.

For example, if your thyroid condition is causing depression, which it commonly does, the doctor will give you antidepressants. Why? Because if the thyroid TSH level is now in the “normal” range, your doctor will say, “Your depression symptoms are not coming from the thyroid because your lab test is normal”.

On the surface, it seems logical, but I will show you why the symptoms could still be coming from poor thyroid function.

If you have not had this experience yet, you probably will. You will go into your doctor’s office because you STILL suffer with the same symptoms, and in an attempt to move you out of the office in the allotted 10 minutes the doctor has been given for your visit, he or she is going to shove an anti-depressant prescription at you and tell you that if will help some of the symptoms.

Do you suffer from depression? Maybe… as a result of your thyroid problem not being managed properly, or maybe you’re depressed because you have a chronic problem that no one is taking seriously and just wanting to shove pills at you so you will go away. Either way, an anti-depressant is not the FIX.

In most cases, since the actual autoimmune attack is ignored, over time, you will continue to lose more thyroid cells, and the requirements for your thyroid replacement hormone will continue to rise. Even more importantly, despite the fact that “TSH is considered managed” with replacement thyroid hormones, Autoimmune Thyroid patients will continue to have all the symptoms of low thyroid function.

So in a nutshell, if you fail to look at factors affecting your GI system, blood sugar regulation, hormone balance, along with taking your thyroid replacement hormone, you could be making your autoimmune condition worse every day.

Since the autoimmune mechanism is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States, you would think that it is commonly screened for, but in reality, it is rarely ever checked. This is mostly because the management would still be thyroid replacement hormones only. Why run extra tests if you are not going to alter the protocol based off the test results? This is considered “waste” in the insurance model, which has become prevalent in this country.

What About “Natural Thyroid Support?”

You may have been to an alternative health doctor or nutritionist looking for some relief from your thyroid symptoms. They may have given you some supplements that contained iodine, B Vitamins, and thyroid glandulars to try to improve your thyroid function.

There is a big problem with this approach. Clinically, when a patient presents with an autoimmune thyroid pattern, neither nutritional support specific for the gland, thyroid glandular therapy, nor thyroid hormone replacement does very little to improve the individual’s response and physiology. Remember, it is an autoimmune battle.

At San Diego Thyroid Institute we focus on this crucial factor, which is why many patients choose us to help naturally manage their thyroid problem.

We know we are fighting an immune battle. If we make progress in that battle, YOU will begin to feel normal again. If we fail to consider and address the immune system… it’s “game over!”

So What Can Be Done To Help Modulate The Autoimmune Attack Against the Thyroid?

In Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid, your body is literally “chewing up” your thyroid tissue, and the longer you go without regulating and calming the immune attack, the more thyroid cells you lose.

They Treat Other Autoimmune Conditions, Why Do They Ignore The Immune System in Hashimoto’s?

Before I tell you about our natural approach to regulating the immune system, let’s talk about the traditional thyroid protocols used in most autoimmune conditions.

Whether a person is diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, or Multiple Sclerosis, the standard medical appproach is cortisone, other immune suppressing drugs, or thymectomy. In other words, complete immune system suppression. The approach is to suppress the immune system as an attempt to dampen the attack against the body’s own tissue.

Unfortunately, this approach creates many side effects. But to be totally honest, this is rarely used to treat Hashimoto’s. In Hashimoto’s, the usual protocol is NO protocol at all. They just completely ignore the autoimmune attack against the thyroid.

If you want to save yourself a laundry list of side effects from the immune suppressing drugs and want to avoid completely shutting down your immune system, you need an approach that is centered on specific immune evaluation and regulation. You need someone who is going to “analyze” your immune system with specific lab panels and make natural changes based on the specifics of your own immune physiology.

Before we can begin to modulate or regulate the immune system, a very specific evaluation must be done. It is terribly dangerous to suppress your entire immune system. The immune system does more than just protect us from foreign invaders like bacteria, parasites, or viruses. It is involved in destroying our own cells to help us eliminate dead or senile (old) cells. This process is called cellular apoptosis, and if this system fails, cancer develops.

Let’s Talk A Little Bit About Your Immune System…

The immune system has two sides like a teeter-totter. The first side, called our T-Helper 1 System (TH-1 System), is our immediate immune system response. It is responsible for an immediate attack against foreign invaders like bacteria or parasites. The cells involved in the TH-1 system are called macrophages, natural killer cells, and cytotoxic T Cells. It is our front line defense.

The other side of our immune teeter-totter is our T-Helper 2 System (TH-2 System). It involves the production of antibodies to “tag” onto foreign invaders so our TH-1 system can more easily find and destroy the invaders. It is our B cells that are responsible for producing the antibodies.

Most of the time our TH-1 system will successfully destroy invaders before antibodies are ever produced. If the invader is not destroyed by the TH-1 system immediately, the TH-2 antibody system gets involved and produces antibodies. These antibodies are like attaching strobe lights to the foreign invaders. It makes it extremely easy for the TH-1 cells to find and kill the foreign invaders. .

In order for the various immune cells of the TH-1 and TH-2 system to communicate and coordinate their function, they produce little messenger proteins called cytokines.

In an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid, the two sides of the immune system teeter-totter get terribly imbalanced…

It is almost like there is a person on only one side, and if you have ever seen a teeter-totter, you know that this does not work. It is this dysregulation in the immune system, the imbalance between the two TH systems that tricks your body into attacking its own tissue.

This “dominance” of one side of the immune system is also why the thyroid hormone replacement model as the sole thyroid management approach does not usually result in patients feeling better even though lab tests may look normal for a time. (Remember, I told you I would get to this.)

The cytokines that are produced in the autoimmune attack actually interfere with the thyroid receptor sites from producing normal responses. Therefore, even if you have an adequate amount of thyroid hormone in the blood stream, the hormones will not necessarily bind to your cells and create a normal metabolic response. This means you still have thyroid symptoms even with normal levels of thyroid hormones circulating in your blood stream.

Normally, when a thyroid hormone binds to a cell, it causes the cell to increase its metabolism, and this increases the production of certain proteins inside the cell. This is called a “proteomic response,” which triggers the cell to perform its function. In Hashimoto’s, the proteomic response is diminished by the inflammatory cytokines that are produced as a result of the autoimmune attack against the thyroid.

Therefore, even when the thyroid hormones bind to cell receptors, there is not a very strong proteomic response. This is exactly why management with thyroid replacement hormone only can result in continuing thyroid symptoms.

Most doctors do not acknowledge this mechanism. They will try to make your lab tests look “normal” with replacement thyroid hormones, and when you tell them you still have the same symptoms, they are going to assume that you are depressed or that it is “all in your head.” Not a lot of consideration is given to how you as the patient feel or what you are experiencing everyday. For instance, if you are continually gaining weight without ANY change in diet, they will assume you are just overeating or need to exercise.

I see this scenario every single day. It breaks my heart because I know these women and men have been suffering for years and have been relying on a form of protocol that never really looked at the “big picture”. That is why I have written this report; I do not want to see people suffer when there are natural alternatives that can complement their current program and be very effective.

So How Did You Get An Autoimmune Thyroid? What Caused Your Body To Attack Your Own Thyroid?

All autoimmune thyroid sufferers start with some sort of genetic susceptibility that predisposes them to the disorder. At some point, the genes for the disease “turn on,” and the destructive immune attack against thyroid tissue begins. Possible triggers that are known to “turn on” autoimmune attacks in general are:

  • Environmental Compounds – such as heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, etc
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Stress Responses – such as chemical, physical, and emotional
  • Antigen Responses – such as bacteria, viruses, mold, and parasites
  • Food allergies and sensitivities

Any number or combination of these factors combined with some genetic susceptibility can “turn on” the autoimmune response and lead to the slow, gradual destruction of your thyroid cells by your own body. Most importantly, we must understand that once these genes “turn on,” we have no way of completely turning them off.

Think of these autoimmune genes as a light switch that is turned on, but then, the light switch breaks. Now, we can no longer turn the light switch off, but we can modulate or regulate the immune system using a dimmer switch. With the right protocl, we can turn down the dimmer switch by removing things that are triggering the immune system to be over zealous.

We look at thyroid sufferers through a different set of “glasses”…

Because of our understanding of functional immunology and functional endocrinology, we take a very detailed look at a Hashimoto’s sufferer. We run special functional lab tests and immune panels that actually tell us where the physiology is going wrong, which helps us determine what needs to be done to manage your condition.

We start with a comprehensive thyroid panel, including antibodies, to see exactly what the source of your thyroid problem is. There are over 30 different dysfunctional thyroid patterns with Autoimmune Thyroid as the most common pattern we see by far.

We then run laboratory panels to look for blood sugar disorders, hormone imbalances, anemia patterns, and adrenal gland dysfunction. All of these things play a crucial role in affecting normal thyroid function, so we go through your case with a fine tooth comb to uncover all the possible mechanisms that are contributing to your feeling bad.

When we are dealing with Autoimmune Thyroid, we go even further in our assessment. We may run functional tests to determine which side of your TH-1 and TH-2 teeter-totter is dominant or “tipped to”.

From the information we derive from these immune panels, we are going to devise an all-natural managment plan to support your specific immune dysfunction. We use all natural botanicals and plant extracts that have been shown in the peer reviewed scientific literature to have very specific immune stimulating and modulating/regulating effects.

There are many natural substances that have been studied, which have immune stimulating or suppressing properties, but the key is the therapeutic use of only those natural substances shown to have a particular affect when applied to a specific immune dysfunctional pattern.

Something that may have a very beneficial immune effect in one Hashimoto’s patient may have a very detrimental effect in another. But there is no way to know this until the immune system has been “analyzed!”

One of the biggest mistakes I see natural medicine doctors make is giving autoimmune patients broad spectrum immune support…

This may seem counterintuitive at first. If the immune system is obviously unhealthy in an autoimmune patient, then providing things that are known to help boost the immune system should help, right? Wrong!

It is a totally different game with autoimmune situations. Ideally, your TH-1 and TH-2 systems would be balanced and work together. This is not the case in autoimmune attacks. The immune system is malfunctioning to the point that it thinks your own tissues are foreign invaders.

It is absolutely critical that only botanicals and natural compounds that are known to have specific immune responses be used with an autoimmune case. With broad spectrum immune support, you can actually further stimulate the dominant side of the immune system and make the autoimmune attack worse.

This results in greater tissue destruction. We take this very seriously, which is why we MUST base our protocol off the details contained in each individual’s immune panels. If you are wondering what might fall under the category “immune support,” I would tell you to avoid supplements that are labeled as “immune support products.” You may have some in your cabinet right now.

Most alternative medicine based patient management is NOT based on lab testing. At best, the management in traditional natural medicine is based on old, outdated testing models like checking basal metabolic temperature, or even worse, solely based off of patient’s history. Rarely is testing even done.

Using our understanding of functional immunology and our review of the peer-reviewed scientific literature involving natural plant botanicals and extracts, which have been shown to have specific, desirable, effects on the immune system, gives us the most highly effective strategies available to support your immune system. Most importantly, we can do this without all of the side effects of immune suppressing drugs.

Along with turning down the “dimmer switch” on your autoimmune attack, long-term success necessitates that we remove any “triggers” that are flaring up your immune response.

Triggers that may be involved include:

    • Food Sensitivities– We will run additional lab testing to determine if there are foods that you eat that are creating an immune response. Foods to which you are sensitive flare up your immune response every time you eat them, furthering the attack on your thyroid, leading to even further thyroid destruction.
    • Iodine– Even though iodine is a very important nutrient for thyroid function, and even though iodine deficiencies are very common in other parts of the world, iodine containing supplements can actually trigger a Hashimoto’s response. The bottom line is that iodine is a very important supplement for many people, but in supplemental form, it can make the autoimmune against the thyroid worse!There are numerous studies in the scientific peer-reviewed literature that show this connection. We get all of our Hashimoto’s patients off iodine supplements. Most natural healthcare practitioners, without considering the immune interaction, insist on giving iodine supplements for thyroid conditions in much the same way as the medical community uses thyroid replacement hormones as a “blanket” approach for all hypo-thyroid conditions.
    • Hormone Imbalances –This is especially true when looking at estrogens and pregnancy. In the third trimester of pregnancy, a female is TH-2 dominant, and postpartum, they have a tendency to be TH-1 dominant. This fluctuation of hormones is enough to turn on the Hashimoto’s response for some women. It is very common to have a woman deliver her baby and then, months later, be diagnosed with hypothyroidism.Actually, it was Hashimoto’s that “turned on” after pregnancy.Birth control pills are another source of estrogen surges. It is a common scenario for women to go on birth control pills, gain a lot of weight, and get depressed. When they go off of the pill, it does not really help them lose weight or decrease their depression. Being on the pill in the first place may have triggered the Hashimoto’s response against the thyroid.The third issue with estrogen and Hashimoto’s is perimenopause. As women lose their feedback loop between the pituitary and ovaries, a consequence of normal aging, there are surges of estrogen produced because the pituitary can no longer regulate the ovaries. These surges of estrogens can “turn on” the Hashimoto’s response. When these estrogen surges occur, they may trigger an increased autoimmune attack against the thyroid, causing thyroid cells to be destroyed.The estrogen surges may act like “gas on a fire” and further increase the autoimmune thyroid destruction. This increased destruction of the thyroid will result in short term, high release of the thyroid hormones into the blood stream, creating temporary high thyroid hormone levels. This increases the metabolic rate, and women get hot flashes, insomnia, and irritability.These symptoms are usually attributed to a deficiency of estrogen from going through menopause, but often, this is not the case. Sometimes it is not the estrogen fluctuations that are causing the hot flashes, insomnia, and irritability, but rather, it is the immune attack against the thyroid that is promoted by the estrogen fluctuations from the menopause process that creates a temporary hyperthyroid response. Whenever we see a post-menopausal woman who developed hot flashes, insomnia, and irritability that did not resolve with estrogen replacement therapy, we know we are likely dealing with a Hashimoto’s response that turned on with menopause. In these cases, many times, we can totally normalize the hot flashes by treating the autoimmune thyroid.
    • Insulin Surges –Surges in insulin really promote the Autoimmune Attack on the thyroid. The insulin surges actually stimulate the immune cytokines responsible for your autoimmune attack. Insulin surges occur in diabetics, pre-diabetics, and hypoglycemics.Many people get checked by their medical doctor and are told that everything is OK. I am going to tell you right now, that the sheer number of functional hypoglycemics and insulin resistant (pre-diabetics) people walking around is staggering. Even if you were told your labs were “normal”, the lab ranges they used are not “healthy functional ranges,” and there is a good chance there is an underlying blood sugar problem.I could write pages and pages on the harmful effects of altered blood sugar patterns. Suffice it to say, we are going to test for this and look at functional markers, which are going to let us know what is really happening. We MUST deal specifically with these things, or you will continue to promote an autoimmune attack against your thyroid and continue to feel lousy.
    • Hypercortisolism – Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone. It is produced when your body’s energy demands increase as a result of stress. When there is an active stress response (from chemical, physical, or emotional stress) or a defect in your brain’s ability to modulate stress, you will have increased cortisol production. The increased cortisol promotes insulin resistance, and therefore, insulin surges. This will cause your autoimmune attack to get worse. We look at this from a neurological brain control mechanism and a metabolic mechanism.
    • Gastrointestinal Infections (GI) – There are a number of GI infections that promote the autoimmune response. Your gut has a huge number of healthy bacteria that live and actually produce positive benefits for normal functioning. When the balance between good and bad bacteria is skewed, called dysbiosis, it is known to promote autoimmune inflammatory responses. We do lab testing to reveal the health of the GI system. If we ignore this, our chance of fixing your autoimmune thyroid condition is greatly compromised.

There is NO “cookie cutter approach” to dealing with autoimmune thyroid. Until we look at all of the triggers that cause and promote the autoimmune attack, systematically work at removing those triggers, and then look specifically at your immune system with the lab panels we discussed, there is no way to know what is going on “under the hood” and how to deal specifically with the issues involved.

We deal with these problems every day, and we are very good at using natural protocols to help turn down the “dimmer switch” on your immune response so you can begin to feel like you used to.

“How Am I Going To Know My Body Is Improving? Will This Even Work For Me?”

We are going to know we are making the functional changes we desire because, after we start the protocol, we will be repeating the tests we used to determine our specific plan of action. This is absolutely necessary.

We cannot just spend time and effort finding out what is wrong and then just hope our natural protocols made the changes. We have to re-test, make alterations in protocols, and re-test again. Not that you will not be feeling better as we make these changes, but we have to measure your changes so we keep moving toward the goals we set together.

In reality, we may have to make a series of changes before you start “feeling better”, but at every point, we have labs to guide us. We will SEE that things are changing in the right direction.

Based on your specific case, we are going to have a schedule of your re-tests, so we can make corrections and know when we need to move on to the next thing. Sometimes, we cannot effectively support a particular physiological process until we normalize another first.

A lot of doctors will not to do this for you. Like I said, most natural medicine is based off of NO testing, minimal testing, or the wrong testing. Mainstream medicine is going to shove hormones and antidepressants at you no matter what the labs say, so there is not a lot of testing done on that end either.

Functional changes take time. Remember, our job is not to give you a pill and hope a symptom goes away. Our job is to take a step back, look at the big picture, and systematically support your physiology.

The reason you may not have gotten help yet is because no one dug deep enough, was willing to listen, understood your problem, or took the time necessary to make the changes.

“What If This Doesn’t Work For Me?”

If you are sitting here reading this report, you know that your present approach to helping your thyroid problem is not what you want. Honestly, I could teach a six year old to give the current management you are getting. I would tell them to look at the thyroid lab test, and if the TSH is greater than “X,” give Syntroid. When the TSH drops down to “Y” and the patient still has symptoms, give the patient anti-depressants because the remaining symptoms are in their head. Of course, I am being sarcastic, but that is exactly what I hear and see from patients every day.

You deserve better than this. You deserve to have a doctor who listens, who understands you, who is willing to do what it takes to work with you and help you, regardless of what some out of touch doctor or insurance company thinks because it does not matter what anybody else thinks. What matters is that you are still suffering, and you need someone who is going to treat you correctly and help you.

The number one factor that determines success or failure with a case is how closely the patient follows my recommendations. If you do the things I prescribe, then you are going to go down the road you have been wanting, probably for a long time, which is moving toward “normal” again.

You are reading this report because you are one of the smart few who wants to take control of your health and do what it takes to help your body get well. Nothing else matters when your health goes “South.” I love working with patients like you because you are willing to sit here and learn about your problem, listen, and make the changes necessary to get your health back on track and to get back to the business of “living well again”.

What About Cost?

For those that read our special report we offer A No-Charge In-house , Phone  or Skype Consultation With Dr. Gorgas, DC  To Discuss Your Case Privately And Help Determine If You Are A Good Candidate For Our Natural Approach.

Click Here To Schedule

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and would like to take a comprehensive natural and functional management approach to enhance your current thyroid management, then Just Click Here To See If We Having Any Openings For Free Phone Consultations. We will get you scheduled as soon as possible.

DO NOT continue feeling bad for another day when the potential answer to your SUFFERING is right here in front of you. How would you feel finding out years from now that the answer to your problem was right in front of your face all along, and you let it slip through your fingers?

If you are still not convinced I will give you the

4 most important questions to ask


Dr. Michael Gorgas, DC

San Diego Thyroid Institute

225 N Horne St

Oceanside- CA 92054

Phone – 760.433.4000